
Registry recognizes National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16

DATE: April 1, 2021
CONTACT: Katie Urban
[email protected]

Westfield, NJ – To recognize National Healthcare Decisions Day on April 16, the U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry (USACPR) announced steep discounts on its services for the entire month of April. The Registry is offering a 50% discount on its 5 year advance care plan registration. Advance care plan documents, commonly called living wills or advance directives, tell your family and doctors how you want to be treated at the end of your life.

“People get confused about which document to complete…a living will, health care proxy, DNR….but the most important thing is to have a conversation with your loved ones. Let them know how you want to be treated when there is no chance for your recovery. After you have the conversation, you can then choose how you want to memorialize what you discussed,” said Dr. Joseph Barmakian, an orthopaedic surgeon who founded the Registry. Downloadable forms for each state, and many other resources are available on the Registry’s website,