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Peace of Mind

Protecting the Healthcare Choices of Individuals for Over Twenty Years.

Individuals & Families

Protect your wishes and ensure that you offer peace of mind to your loved ones.

Hospitals & Health Systems

Seamlessly and Efficiently Store and Retrieve Patient Documents

State Registries & HIEs

Fully Customizable, Turn Key Solution

Estate Planners & Attorneys

Provide clients with Peace of Mind knowing their documents are readily Available and Accessible


Forms For All States

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Individuals & Families

State Registries, HIEs, Health Care Systems & Partners

Personal Accounts
Your Personal Account, including your username and password, are setup automatically once your registration is complete. Read More…
Peace of mind, knowing that your choices are secure and will be available to your family and doctors even if you become ill away from home. Read More…
How the Registry Works

The U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry is a secure, on-line database where you can store your advance directive. Read More…

How to Register

In order to register, you will need to have an advance directive. If you don’t have one… Read More…

Advance Directive Forms
Preparing an advance directive involves more than simply filling out a form… Read More…

Frequently Asked Questions about The U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry®. Read More…


La mision del U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry®, es promocionar el uso de la directiva avanzada… Read More…

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Protect your right to control your health care. Learn how to create and register your living will and health care proxy. Read More…
Provider Login
You can quickly access your account login and all functions related to managing registrations and documents. Login here

The U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry® has solved many of the problems historically associated with advance directives. Read More…

Become a Registry Provider
If you are interested in providing registry services, contact us for more details. Read More…

Frequently Asked Questions about The U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry®. Read More…

How the Registry Works
Helping health care provider’s effectively manage advance directives… Read More…
Federal Regulations
See details on the federal regulations regaring advance directives. Read More…
View Video

The Nation’s Leading Advance Directive Registry. Low-cost, Time-tested, Turn Key Solutions… Read More…

Protect your right to control your health care.

Health care is vitally important to everyone. Wherever you are, whatever the situation, you want to be sure you receive appropriate treatment. But even more importantly, you want your decisions to be honored.

The United States Supreme Court guarantees you the right to make those choices, even when you are too sick to make your wishes known. This right gives you control and protects your dignity. But how can you be sure that your choices will be honored if you’re incapacitated?

Every American, regardless of age, faces this question. If you plan now, you can make sure you get the kind of care you want, and relieve your family of burdensome decisions.

Make your choices known in an advance directive

An advance directive is a legal document in which you state how you want to be treated if you become very ill and there is no reasonable hope for your recovery. Although laws vary from state to state, there are basically two kinds of advance directives.

You can have both – a health care proxy naming a person to make the decisions, and a living will to help guide that person in making the decisions.

Your advance directive must be available

In order for your advance directive to be useful, it has to be available. After all, your advance directive won’t do you any good if no one can find it.

Fortunately, there’s an easy, secure way to make sure that your advance directive is available to your family and doctors wherever and whenever it’s needed: the U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry®.

Developed in consultation with attorneys who represent hospitals, the U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry® is a nationwide service that stores your advance directive electronically…

Our Mission

The mission of the U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry® is to promote the use of advance directives through educational programs, and to make people’s health care choices available to their caregivers and families whenever and wherever they are needed, while maintaining the confidentiality of their information and documents.

– Dr. Joseph Barmakian

Latest News from U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry®

Why the US Advance Care Plan Registry?

As many as 50% of Advanced Directives are inaccessible at the time of need. USACPR offers secure storage of your AD…

Hear from Registry Users like you!

USACPR has helped to protect the wishes of thousands of patients. Hear from real users and their loved ones.

Learn More About Advance Directives

Get details information on advances directives, including living wills, advance directives,  power of attorney for healthcare, and organ donation statements.
What People Are Saying About Us

“The U.S. Advance Care Plan Registry® has been for not only myself but my husband and family a “God Sent”. I am thankful my husband keeps abreast of current events always listening to radio and T.V. as well as reading a newspaper that he heard about the organization. We are all glad he did. I have recommended and requested information be sent to our local physician. Keep up the good work.”

Name withheld
Cortlandt Manor, NY

“I am very glad I registered my advanced directive. As caregiver for my mother, my father, and my stepmother I cannot express the peace of mind that registering gives. My husband and daughter will never go through the stress of wondering if they are acting according to my wishes. It will be very clear for them. In a way, making my advanced directive is protecting my husband and daughter, even when I am seriously ill. When a loved one is seriously ill is the worst possible time to deal with the subtleties and ramifications of hospital and legal bureaucracies. This will free them from a lot of those worries.”

Name withheld
Kingston, Washington

“We registered because we move often and travel a great deal. We wanted our wishes carried out by the medical profession no matter where we happened to be. They have access this way. We have not been hassled in any way because of this registration, and we highly recommend this service.”

Felton M.
Westchester, Pennsylvania